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Hard Drive Acceleration for Max Performance
Your hard drive becomes fragmented after some period of time, your PC slows down due to unnecessary and time-consuming file access operations. Programs, applications and games are much slower when they start up. The solution to this problem is to clean and defragment your hard drive regularly. PCSUITE DEFRAG PRO optimizes all storage devices like your hard drive, USB memory sticks, memory cards, etc. using set of new and enhanced defragmentation methods. Its 3-zone optimization algorithm allows you to increase access speed to your data and programs and provides you the best solution against data fragmentation. There are also eight more optimizations available to you such as moving data to the beginning or end of the medium or sorting files according to the access. This allows you to optimize your storage medium in the best way for your common usage. PCSUITE DEFRAG PRO with combination of 3-zone optimization and background optimization protects your hard drive or any other storage medium from refragmentation. It guarantees optimum system performance all the time and it’s the ideal solution for any system whether it’s office, leisure or gaming system.
- New and innovative 3-zone optimization for maximum performance
- Eight new optimization methods
- Background defragmentation with automatic adjustment of system load
- Sequential and parallel optimization of data storage media, partitions and files
- Custom file exception list excluding selected files from optimization
- Task scheduling for fully automatic defragmentation of data storage media with an adjustable CPU load
- Monitoring of your data storage media on the background and automatic defragmentation when defragmentation level is exceeded
- Visualization of the data storage medium status and its defragmentation
- Limited user accounts available
- Preparation for repartitioning moving your data to the start/end of a partition
Advantages and benefits of PCSUITE DEFRAG PRO
- Automatic prevention of refragmentation running on background
- Innovative 3-zone optimization for maximum performance
- Eight new optimization methods
- Graphical representation of fragmentation level
- No slowdown during defragmentation allowing you to continue working on your PC
- Flexible use with several defragmentation methods, task scheduling and file exception list
- All versions of Windows supported